Reviewed by Tai Seng Catalog
The story begins with a mysterious woman named Jinx who hires lessthan intelligent killers Red Lemon and Yellow Lemon to chop off the right palm of the master of Wu-Long Temple. A hilarious adventure displaying the talents of child martial arts masters.
Reviewed by: pablo
In this installment of the series, the evil King is after the hand of Min Pik, which is the secret key to some ancient power. Red and Yellow Lemon are dispatched on the quest. Back at Shaolin, Siu Man laments being a monk after being rejected by a girl for having no hair. All is forgotten when the beautiful Siu Hung makes her appearance. More a series of vignettes where the kids get put in cute situations than an actual story. Still, the formula wasn't quite written in stone at this point, and so there are a few original touches. Features clips of Ng Mang Tat on the set of various other Chang Hong films shot at the same time as this one.